Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Broken window, by Jeffery Deaver

When Captain Lincoln Rhyme, the paraplegic, learns that his cousin has been arrested for murder, he reluctantly agrees to look into it. The evidence against his cousin, he learns, has been carefully arranged by someone who used computer access to incriminate him. And his cousin is not the only one who's been set up this way. One company, SSD, a "knowledge service provider," has collected computer information on all of us "16's" and sells it to corporations as well as the government. Get ting too close to the criminal, Rhyme has his electricity turned off due to nonpayment of bills; Amelia Sachs, his partner, has her car (a 1969 Camaro) repossessed; one detective fails his drug test and another detective's wife is seized by INS officials. We librarians do our best to protect patron privacy; it's mind-boggling how much information is available online and how it can be twisted against us.

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