Monday, January 14, 2008

West Wing

I don't know what started it, probably presidential election fever, but I'm on a West Wing kick. I've borrowed the first couple of seasons from other libraries and it's fascinating. Yes, I watched some of the episodes when they first aired, but who had time to keep watching one TV show at the same time week after week? Now we just TiVo or watch online on our own schedule, not network or cable TV's broadcast slot. Anyway, it's a lot of fun to watch smart people, with the ability to make policy decisions, tackle real issues. I guess it was a little ahead of its time!
It's nice to know that if there's a TV series I want to watch again, I can borrow it from the library. Oh wait - it's due tomorrow! Must stay up late and watch the final three discs (double sided)...

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm glad to hear you're on a West Wing kick too. I recently saw "Charlie Wilson's War" and it really made me miss the West Wing.